The activity

* The wines throughout the seasons *

Vineyard of the Domaine Pautier
Vineyard of the Domaine Pautier

We own 75 acres of vineyards in the region of the Grande Champagne, the production is shared out in this manner :


  • 62,5 acres for cognac eau-de-vie
  • 2,5 acres for grape juice and wine
  • 7,5 acres for pineau (must and eau-de-vie)


Cognac eau-de-vie is stocked and / or sold on contract ; the Pineau des Charentes and the Émous'tillant ® are sold directly to our clients.


We work using the best techniques but still respecting the traditionnal methodes.


We can say that we are juggling in between the modern and traditional ways.



Then, the manual work  in the vinyards happens all year round, to elaborate an eau-de-vie, pineau des Charentes and Émous'tillant of a fine quality.


The differents works are :

  • In Winter : trimming, pulling back wood and tying up.
  • In Spring : ground work, fighting insects, fungi.
  • In Summer : tying up (three times every summer).
  • In Autumn : harvesting, maintenance of the poles and wires.


The maintenance for own vines takes a considerate amount of time. We pass 15 to 20 times on each vine every year.


* The distillation*

The work of the distillation comes then to elaborate the eau-de-vie necessary for the manufacturing of this delicious beverage that is Pineau des Charentes.

* The work in the wine storehouse *

Wine storehouse of Domaine Pautier
Wine storehouse of Domaine Pautier

In 2009, we moved the winery to two new buildings :

  • a wine making storehouse and an ageing storehouse


Pineau des Charentes can be commercialised from 14 months for the rosé and 18 months for the white, stored in oak barrels according to the reglementations.

Our pineau is at least 3 years old for the young and 10 for the old.

* The direct selling *

The boutique / shop / cellar of Domaine Pautier
The boutique / shop / cellar of Domaine Pautier




After your visit and a free tasting, you will discover our very own shop showing all of our products.

Tarif 2024
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